Hi! My name is Katlyn Bille. I am the parent coordinator here at P.S. 264. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our school community. As a mom of two elementary school children, I know there can be many questions and concerns pertaining to school and I want you to know that as your parent coordinator. I am here to help. You can email me at kbille2@schools.nyc.gov, or call me at 718-630-1650 ext. 1065 or come into the lobby to see me.

Communications & Forms
We use many forms of communications.
Don’t want to miss anything join our Facebook Page!
Class dojo is used very frequently. Teachers and staff will reach out and post many notices and updates. Teachers have sent home codes and directions how to join. please join!
The DOE uses NYCSA accounts for parents to issue report cards and other student information. It is a one stop shop for your child’s academic record. I have sent home letters to Parents who I was alerted still needed to sign up. If you already have a NYCSA account, please disregard. If you need help adding a child or setting up the account. Please reach out. The website to sign up is schoolsaccount.nyc
Family Income Inquiry Forms have already started being collected from the online site. Every year we ask that families fill this out so that our school can receive funding for the students and give them more opportunities within the school year. If you would like a paper form please let me know and I will make sure to send one home with your child.
Important Dates & Reminders
School Hours are 8:20 am to 2:35 pm. The gates open at 7:50 am and close at 8:20 any student coming after 8:20 must be signed in late at the main entrance.
School Spirit Day is every Monday. Please have your children wear school attire. If you would like to purchase spirit wear information is forthcoming.
Every Friday the PTA will be holding a snack sale during the student’s lunch periods.
March 6th-8th- Scholastic Book Fair
March 7th- 11:40 Dismissal Parent Teacher Conferences
March 8th- International SEL Day. Wear Emoji or Positive Message
March 10th- 16th- Civics For All Week
March 14th- Pi Day
March 15th- St Patrick's Day Wear Green
March 17th-23rd- Music & Theater in Our Schools Week
March 18th- March Madness Wear your Favorite Basketball Team
March 19th- Dress Up as Your Favorite Play Character
March 20th- P.S. 264 Show Shirt Day
March 21st- Wear Black. PTA Meeting 6pm
March 22nd- School Spirit Day Wear 264 Attire. 9 am Coffee with The Principal Internet Safety Workshop.
March 26th- SEL Family Night
March 27th- 1-218 Theater Performance 10 am
March 28th- National Crayon Day Wear your favorite color PJS. 1-206 Theater Performance 1:15pm
March 29th-April 1st- No School Easter Weekend